
Neurologists diagnose, treat and manage diseases affecting the central, peripheral and autonomic nervous systems and muscles. Neurologists care for patients with neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s disease and motor neurone disease and degenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease. Neurologists additionally treat brain and spinal injuries, infections of the nervous systems such as meningitis, headaches and migraines, seizures, strokes and aneurysms.

Clinical acumen, communication skills and an enquiring mind are exceptionally important attributes to make a good neurologist, in order to reach the correct diagnosis and to guide patient care. Neurology is a specialty where you will never get bored as even though patients may share a final common diagnosis it can present in a variety of different ways which always keeps it interesting.

Dr Helen Brown
Neurologist - Princess Alexandra Hospital

Clinical Practice

Neurologists work in both public and private health facilities, providing care for patients via treatments such as lumbar puncture, neuro-physiology and neuropsychology. Neurologists are often required to work as part of a team with other medical specialists and health care professionals, for example in a hospital stroke team or critical care team. Neurologists are also involved in patient rehabilitation and are often involved in the management of end-of-life care.

Neurology – Information

Number of specialists - QLD (2021)

Number of new fellows - QLD

Number of specialists - AUS (2021)

Number of new fellows - AUS

Average weekly hours

Average Age

% Aged 60+

35% of 2022 workforce intend to retire by 2032

Proportion Female/Male - QLD


Location - QLD

Major cities

Public/Private QLD


Number of trainees - QLD

Number of new trainees - QLD

Number of trainees - AUS

Number of new trainees - AUS

Proportion Female/Male trainees - QLD


2023 QLD Training Program Selections (First Year)

Eligible Applications Received
Applicants Selected

The data on this page compares the number of applicants that were selected to commence their first year of training in Queensland in 2023 to the total number of eligible applications*

The data was sourced from the relevant medical specialist college, or from selection committees coordinated by a Queensland Health pathway/network, or an individual facility.


This data reflects a point in time figure for the selection of applicants commencing the first year of an accredited training program in the 2023 clinical year.

* eligible applications are determined by selection committees according to the eligibility criteria and required documentation prescribed by the relevant medical specialist college.

The data on this page compares the number of applicants that were selected to commence their first year of training in Queensland in 2023 to the total number of eligible applications.

See more.

Length of Training

6 years full-time (3 years basic training, 3 years advanced training)

Method of Allocation

College-selected trainees may be allocated to a training post by:

  • College
  • Queensland Health pathway/network (centrally coordinated)
  • Queensland Health facility (accredited for training)

Training and assessment summary

For detailed information in relation to training and assessment requirements, please contact RACP.

Training program overview

Neurology advanced training may be undertaken following completion of requirements for basic training, and trainees may choose to focus on either adult or paediatric neurology with the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP). The neurology training program incorporates work-based learning and assessment with successful trainees attaining the qualification of FRACP with accreditation to practise as a Neurologist in Australia or New Zealand.


Applicants must hold current medical registration, have completed RACP Basic Training (including Written and Clinical Examinations), and been appointed to an appropriate Advanced Training position.


Minimum 0.2 full-time equivalent commitment. Training program must be completed within 8 years.

Interrupted training

Allowed. Interruptions of more than 12 continuous months may require the development of a Return to Training Plan in collaboration with a supervisor and approval from the relevant training committee.

Click a location to learn more
Regional Training Pathways