Explore postgraduate training pathways in regional Queensland.
Northern Queensland | Southern Queensland
Medical administrators work across a variety of clinical and non-clinical settings, in both the public and private sector. Medical administrators may be employed by public or private health services, government departments, education institutions as well as pharmaceutical and technological companies.
The data on this page compares the number of applicants that were selected to commence their first year of training in Queensland in 2023 to the total number of eligible applications*
The data was sourced from the relevant medical specialist college, or from selection committees coordinated by a Queensland Health pathway/network, or an individual facility.
This data reflects a point in time figure for the selection of applicants commencing the first year of an accredited training program in the 2023 clinical year.
* eligible applications are determined by selection committees according to the eligibility criteria and required documentation prescribed by the relevant medical specialist college.
The data on this page compares the number of applicants that were selected to commence their first year of training in Queensland in 2023 to the total number of eligible applications.
3 years full-time
College-selected trainees may be allocated to a training post by:
For detailed information in relation to training and assessment requirements, please contact RACMA.
Medical administration training consists of advanced training only and is governed by the Medical Leadership and Management Curriculum developed by the Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators (RACMA). The curriculum aims to produce medical practitioners who use both their clinical training and experience and their specialist medical management expertise to lead and influence health service delivery. Upon completing all requirements of the training program, trainees may apply for election to Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators (FRACMA)
Applicants must hold general registration (unconditional) with the Medical Board of Australia, demonstrate a minimum of 3 years full time clinical experience involving direct patient care and be in a RACMA accredited training post or a post that is likely to qualify as a training post.
Minimum 50% of full-time commitment. Training must be completed within 8 years.
Allowed up to a maximum of 2 years, however only 12 months of leave can be approved at a time.
Explore postgraduate training pathways in regional Queensland.
Northern Queensland | Southern Queensland