Medi-Nav Orientation Resource v6, 2024

| 3 Hand-n-Hand Peer Support is an organisation founded in Far North Queensland providing free, confidential peer support for health professionals in Australia and New Zealand. It began in response to the COVID-19 pandemic but in realising the value and need for peer support beyond the pandemic, the organisation is working towards providing a sustainable solution to enable the ongoing availability of this resource for healthcare workers into the future. For information on how to access or provide support, including details of Hand-n-Hand Peer Support, please visit: 3.7.7 Organisations that provide support Doctors’ Health in Queensland Doctors’ Health in Queensland (DHQ) is a confidential, independent not-for-profit organisation developed for doctors, by doctors. DHQ is dedicated to improving the health and wellbeing of doctors and medical students in Queensland, understanding that a healthy medical workforce benefits the community as a whole. DHQ operates a 24/7 helpline to provide advice and support to medical practitioners and students facing difficulties, plus education, advocacy, awareness and research to improve understanding of doctors’ health and how to care for doctors as patients. Contact Doctors’ Health in Queensland: + Ph: (07) 3833 4352 – confidential helpline (24 hour) + DHQ website: Lifeline Lifeline provides all Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to online, phone and face- to-face crisis support and suicide prevention services. Find out how these services can help you, a friend or loved one. If you or someone you know is thinking about suicide, get help immediately. You are not alone. + Ph. 13 11 14 (Lifeline) + Ph. 000 (Emergency Services), if life is in danger For further information, visit the Lifeline website : Suicide Call Back Service The Suicide Call Back Service is a nationwide service providing 24/7 telephone and online counselling to people affected by suicide. Contact the Suicide Call Back Service: + Ph. 1300 659 467 + SCBS website: Alcohol and Drug Information Service The Alcohol and Drug Information Service (adis) offers a 24/7 confidential support service for people in Queensland with alcohol and other drug concerns, their loved ones and health professionals. adis can undertake telephone assessments, provide information about the effects of specific drugs and provide advice on various treatment options. They can also help clients contact the best services | 41