Medi-Nav Orientation Resource v6, 2024

| 3 2.6 Clinical governance HHSs are accountable for continuously improving the quality of their services and safeguarding high standards of care by creating an environment in which excellence in clinical care will flourish. Hospital and health boards are accountable for governance of safety and quality – ensuring that the structures, processes and behaviours are in place to ensure they achieve optimal patient outcomes and to safeguard high standards of care. 2.6.1 Clinical Services Capability Framework The Clinical Services Capability Framework for Public and Licensed Private Health Facilities outlines the minimum support services, staffing, safety standards and other requirements required in both public and private health facilities to ensure safe and appropriately supported clinical services For further information, visit : health/cscf 2.6.2 Credentialing and scope of clinical practice Credentialing and scope of clinical practice (SoCP) is a clinical governance risk management strategy to support the delivery of safe and high-quality healthcare within HHSs and the department. Credentialing is the formal process used to verify and review the qualifications, experience, professional standing and other relevant professional attributes of practitioners for the purpose of forming a view about their competence, performance and professional suitability to provide a safe, high quality healthcare service within specific environments. As practitioners move towards independent practice, credentialing and SoCP become an integral part of working within a HHS or the Department. It is typically a requirement that all senior medical officers and visiting medical officers, or roles of similar nature, will be required to have a defined SoCP. This is defined within each HHS’s or the department’s credentialing and SoCP policy framework. An application for credentialing and SoCP will require the submission of a suite of documents which as a minimum would include a current curriculum vitae, copies of qualifications (including medical degree and fellowships), and evidence of continuing professional development activities. Each credentialing committee may have other specific requirements, however, having these documents readily available will expedite your application. Credentialing and SoCP for health professionals in Queensland Health is covered by a Health Service Directive, available at : service-directives/credentialing-and-defining-the-scope-of-clinical-practice | 2