Medi-Nav Orientation Resource v6, 2024

| 3 2.1 Queensland Health Queensland’s public health system is collectively known as Queensland Health and is made up of the Department of Health and 16 independent hospital and health services (HHSs). The Minister for Health and Ambulance Services has overall responsibility for Queensland’s public health system. The Department of Health, through the Director-General, is responsible for the management of the Queensland public health system, including monitoring the performance of HHSs. HHSs independently and locally governed by hospital and health boards, are responsible for public health service delivery including hospital and inpatient, outpatient and emergency services, community mental health services, aged care services and public health and health promotion programs. HHSs are independent statutory bodies under the Hospital and Health Boards Act 2011 (HHB Act) for the delivery of public hospital and health services, which were formerly provided by health service districts. The relationship between the department and the HHSs is governed by the HHB Act and service agreements. 2.2 Structure of the public health system The Director-General, Department of Health and Hospital and Health Boards report to the Minister for Health, Mental Health and Ambulance Services and Minister for Women. 2.2.1 Department of Health structure The Department of Health (Department) is managed by the Director-General, who reports directly to the Minister for Health, Mental Health and Ambulance Services and Minister for Women, who in turn reports to the Premier of Queensland and the Parliament. The Department is responsible for sole management of the relationship with HHSs to ensure a single point of accountability in the state for public hospital performance, performance management and planning. The Department performs its role through the following divisions | 17